It very important that you educate your employees regarding opting out of your company plan, particularly for those who are in good health. Your Group Benefit policy provides affordable coverage for all employees without evidence of insurability:• Drug Coverage• Unexpected health expenses• Many ongoing health-related services not covered by provincial plans• Medical Emergency Travel benefits• Life Insurance• Dependent Life Insurance• Accidental Death and Dismemberment• Short Term Disability – income replacement• Long Term Disability – income replacement• Critical IllnessHealth insurance can be expensive for some employees, but if they end up with cancer or some other devastating illness, they may not be able to afford to uphold their current life style. Many ongoing health-related services and medical supplies are not covered by the provincial health plan.Disability: Earning potential is a far more valuable asset than your automobile or your home. Disability insurance is designed to protect you from the possible loss of income. What's the possibility of this happening? It's more than you'd imagine. Why should you consider it? It's the only sure way to provide guaranteed coverage.Please note the following:• Worker's Compensation only covers wok related accidents.• Unemployment insurance only covers 15 weeks.• Canada Pension Plan: Are you comfortable relying on the government for a benefit that can change?Life insurance is another product employees may not want to purchase; however, if they die without it, those left behind will have to pay thousands of dollars for funeral expenses.When people are ill the last thing they need to worry about is money and medical expenses.
Facts from the Canadian Cancer SocietyChances (probability) of developing or dying from cancer Based on 2009 estimates:• 2 out of 5 Canadians (45% of men and 41% of women) are expected to develop cancer during their lifetimes.• 1 out of 4 Canadians (29% of men and 24% of women) is expected to die from cancer.
It’s dangerous to be without health insurance. For additional information, please contact Patricia Thomas at Beneplan 416 863-6718 ex 245.
It very important that you educate your employees regarding opting out of your company plan, particularly for those who are in good health. Your Group Benefit policy provides affordable coverage for all employees without evidence of insurability:• Drug Coverage• Unexpected health expenses• Many ongoing health-related services not covered by provincial plans• Medical Emergency Travel benefits• Life Insurance• Dependent Life Insurance• Accidental Death and Dismemberment• Short Term Disability – income replacement• Long Term Disability – income replacement• Critical IllnessHealth insurance can be expensive for some employees, but if they end up with cancer or some other devastating illness, they may not be able to afford to uphold their current life style. Many ongoing health-related services and medical supplies are not covered by the provincial health plan.Disability: Earning potential is a far more valuable asset than your automobile or your home. Disability insurance is designed to protect you from the possible loss of income. What's the possibility of this happening? It's more than you'd imagine. Why should you consider it? It's the only sure way to provide guaranteed coverage.Please note the following:• Worker's Compensation only covers wok related accidents.• Unemployment insurance only covers 15 weeks.• Canada Pension Plan: Are you comfortable relying on the government for a benefit that can change?Life insurance is another product employees may not want to purchase; however, if they die without it, those left behind will have to pay thousands of dollars for funeral expenses.When people are ill the last thing they need to worry about is money and medical expenses.
Facts from the Canadian Cancer SocietyChances (probability) of developing or dying from cancer Based on 2009 estimates:• 2 out of 5 Canadians (45% of men and 41% of women) are expected to develop cancer during their lifetimes.• 1 out of 4 Canadians (29% of men and 24% of women) is expected to die from cancer.
It’s dangerous to be without health insurance. For additional information, please contact Patricia Thomas at Beneplan 416 863-6718 ex 245.