January 26, 2016

New feature: Archives on the Beneplan website

January 26, 2016

Benefit plan administrators can now access all of their archived changes in the member-login area of the Beneplan website.When you login, you'll see the "Archives" link on the top right hand corner.

Beneplan website archives

Clicking through, you'll see a list of all changes made, organized in order of date, and around each employee. Clicking the employee's name will reveal more detail of the transaction requested.

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On the detail page, you can hit "Print" and save a copy for your records.

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Do you have a wish for our website? Email us at admin-at-beneplan-dot-ca and let us know what would make your life easier. Or, call your Beneplan benefits advisor at 1-800-387-1670.

Benefit plan administrators can now access all of their archived changes in the member-login area of the Beneplan website.When you login, you'll see the "Archives" link on the top right hand corner.

Beneplan website archives

Clicking through, you'll see a list of all changes made, organized in order of date, and around each employee. Clicking the employee's name will reveal more detail of the transaction requested.

Screen Shot 2016-01-26 at 4.01.34 PM

On the detail page, you can hit "Print" and save a copy for your records.

Screen Shot 2016-01-26 at 4.02.16 PM

Do you have a wish for our website? Email us at admin-at-beneplan-dot-ca and let us know what would make your life easier. Or, call your Beneplan benefits advisor at 1-800-387-1670.


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